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MOZART project aims to develop general-purpose, AI-powered robot technology for the handling of soft objects with specific demonstrators in the food processing industry.
The focus is on the implementation of a new generation of soft robotics that can work side-by-side with humans and complement the workforce.
MOZART technologies will push the boundaries of the food industry towards economic, social, and environmental sustainability.
Economic sustainability
Social sustainability
Environmental sustainability
Support the green transition of the food processing industry by the development of soft tactile robotics to manipulate fresh, fragile food products
Extend the state-of-the-art in robotics perception, interaction, and manipulation as well as address the modularity and composability of solutions
Continuously monitor, evaluate, and achieve the sustainability (ecological, economic, social) of the project work
Prepare for product development of AUTOMAT by using feedback from demonstrations and working towards standardization
Efficient dissemination, communication and exploitation of the results of the project
The MOZART project aims to advance the state-of-the-art in the robotic handling of soft and heterogenous objects, which currently is limited to simple pick-and-place operations.
MOZART takes the first step towards solving this problem by developing a completely new approach based on novel reconfigurable surfaces embedded with soft sensors and controlled by AI-powered learning tools, the Autonomous Manipulation using Morphing Modular Mats (AUTOMATs).
An integrative social sciences and humanities study anticipates the challenges of deploying AUTOMATs in actual production environments, allowing operators to move to better jobs while monitoring and ensuring that the technological developments are socially, ecologically, and economically sustainable.
MOZART targets the food processing industry as a context for demonstrating and maturing the AUTOMAT technology.
IT Universitetet i København
Coordinator, IT research
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
Research in poro-elastic materials and sensors
Trinity College Dublin
SSH research
Cabinplant AS
Providing machines for food processing and packaging
Ente Italiano di Normazione
Fondazione ICONS
Communication and dissemination
Association of Poultry Processors and Poultry Trade in the EU Countries
Networking with the food processing industry
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
Research in poro-elastic materials, sensors and origami robotics