Adra releases “Strategic Orientation towards an AI, Data, and Robotics Roadmap 2025-2027”

The Ai Data Robotics Association (ADRA) has released its roadmap to address the global challenges related to AI, data, and robotics.

The “Strategic Orientation towards an AI, Data and Robotics Roadmap 2025-2027” provides an overview of Adra’s strategic position and offers recommendations for upcoming European work programs in the AI, Data, and Robotics field. The first part of the document focuses on the global challenges faced in the AI, data, and robotics landscape. Adra acknowledges the ethical and societal implications of AI, data privacy and security concerns, and the importance of responsible and inclusive innovation.

In the second part, Adra provides strategic recommendations for the European Union’s work programs between 2025 and 2027. These recommendations aim to influence European policies and initiatives in a manner that fosters sustainable growth, innovation, and societal well-being.

The document highlights the importance of open dialogue, knowledge sharing, and joint efforts to ensure a bright future for these technologies.

Adra’s “Strategic Orientation towards an AI, Data, and Robotics Roadmap 2025-2027” is available at:

Image credits: Possessed Photography from Unsplash


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